Sunday, February 8, 2009


1)The most basic form of learning is trial and error learning.

2)Learning is incremental not insightful.

3)Learning is not mediated by ideas.

4)All mammals learn in the same manner.

5)Law of readiness Interference with goal directed behavior causes frustration and causing someone to do something they do not want to do is also frustrating.a.When someone is ready to perform some act, to do so is satisfying.b.When someone is ready to perform some act, not to do so is annoying.c.When someone is not ready to perform some act and is forced to do so, it is annoying.

6)Law of Exercise We learn by doing. We forget by not doing, although to a small extent only.
a.Connections between a stimulus and a response are strengthened as they are used.(law of use)b.Connections between a stimulus and a response are weakened as they are not used.(law of disuse)

7)Law of effect If the response in a connection is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is considerably increased whereas if followed by an annoying state of affairs, then the strength of the connection is marginally decreased.

8)Multiple Responses A learner would keep trying multiple responses to solve a problem before it is actually solved.

9)Set or Attitude Set or attitude is what the learner already possesses, like prior learning experiences, present state of the learner, etc., while it begins learning a new task.

10)Prepotency of Elements Different responses to the same environment would be evoked by different perceptions of the environment which act as the stimulus to the responses. Different perceptions would be subject to the prepotency of different elements for different perceivers.

11)Response from analogy New problems are solved by using solution techniques employed to solve analogous problems.

12)Associative Shifting Let stimulus S be paired with response R. Now, if stimulus Q is presented simultaneously with stimulus S repeatedly, then stimulus Q is likely to get paired with response R.

13)Belongingness If there is a natural relationship between the need state of an organism and the effect caused by a response, learning is more effective than if the relationship is unnatural.

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